Going Green is the standard of the 21st century and Stadco has indebted itself to being a leader in helping to promote a healthy environment
for our future generation.
To reach its environmental goals, Stadco had undergone massive technical changes to its manufacturing system by investing in all new
high-efficiency hybrid injection molding machines in order to reduce power usage and greenhouse gas emissions.
Stadco Polyproducts uses only prime virgin and FDA approved resin in the manufacturing of its goods. This allows a 100% of resin from
production to post- production.
All of Stadco’s products are 100% recyclable and reusable. As a result waste and energy usage is minimized and reduced.
Stadco’s recent
introduction of the ECO-FRIENDLY 1 OZ. Medicine Cup uses significantly less material to manufacture thus reducing their use of
non- sustainable resources.
Stadco is committed to doing it’s part to reduce its carbon footprint and reduce its use of non-sustainable resources by continuously monitoring
its manufacturing system by means of research an development.